A review by blairreads3
The Cerulean by Amy Ewing


From what I've seen my rating is quite controversial and I might drop it down to four stars later on. Directly after finishing the book it's a 4.5 Star read for me.

I am in love with the world building and loved the concept of the City in the Sky and all the unique animals and traditions. The concept of three mothers was something I thought was very unique and generally was the whole world very interesting to me.
But there are also a few things that bothered me and a few things I saw mentioned in other reviews that I think are important
- the moment where Sera discoveres that she is straight even though she comes from a world without men. Come on, that was really unnecessary and frankly kind of weird because she notices her attraction towards men when she is kidnapped and treated badly by them. Yeah, sorry but it just didn't feel natural and very weird. It was only one paragraph or so, so I forgot about it but that's definitely problematic.
-I didn't necessarily like how Leo did a 180 after he talked to Sera. Don't get me wrong I was happy he stopped being an idiot, but it was very sudden
-The next one was something I didn't notice but as a lot of people have pointed out it is kind of weird how the struggle between the two nations is written and more importantly the fact that the colored people are the bad ones and the light people are described as the good ones.

Also I picked this book up from my local library and hadn't heard anything about it. I didn't even really pay attention to the synopsis so I had no idea how this book was marketed. I read a German translation so my synopsis might be different anyway. From what I've read here it was marketed as a "Sapphic utopia" (I hope I wrote that right) and I think that's frankly unfair because this isn't the most important point of the novel and while it was important to kind of understand how the society there functions it didn't delve deeper into the way relationships worked and how it is to live in one.
So I can understand why people were unhappy with this book. (For clarification what I mean is that in order to be focused on the utopia aspect with a strictly female society and love trios I personally think the plot should have been different (no planet stuff, maybe Sera falling in love, the high priestess storyline cold have been kept in).)

Overall I think the plot and Seras world really made it enjoyable for me. I'm interested what Leela will find out in the next book

(I also hope I didn't offend anyone)