A review by enidkeaner
The Good Thief's Guide to Berlin by Chris Ewan

Did not finish book.
Guys, I tired. I tired really, really hard. I SO wanted to like this but it just didn't work for me. That's not the fault the the writer - it's entirely on me.

For the most part, I've never really been big on mysteries. I'd read a few Agatha Christie's in my youth and liked them fine, though they were nothing I couldn't have lived with out.

I tend to feel the same about most "genre" fiction and I really want to branch out and read stuff that perhaps I normally wouldn't have read.

I'd read a few mysteries recently that I quite liked and this looked fun so I tried to give it a whirl.

I made it about half way through. And it was such a struggle for me to get there. The struggle was real.

This is not the author's fault, I don't think. Most of the literature I love best tends to be very much character driven. I tend to struggle with more plot driven works as what really gets me into a book are the characters. Literature fiction, of course, is my jam.

It doesn't matter if I love, hate, or want to kill a character - as long as I'm feeling something for them, I tend to be in for the long haul.

I didn't feel anything for Charlie or Victoria or any of the other characters in the novel. I just could not make myself care what happened to them, which made me really not care what happened, which made it hard for me to keep reading. So finally, i just threw in the towel. I hate not finishing an author's work, especially one I so wanted to love.

This just wasn't for me and I'm really sorry about that.