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A review by xsleepyshadows
Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi


This was an ok read, I listened to the audio book on my way to St.Louis. The narrator has a very nice voice but the book itself was rather boring. There was a couple of interesting things like Alice herself I thought was very cool concept where her homeland celebrates the magic of color and she is colorless. Also I thought Oliver's magical talent of persuasion was very cool (also a little heart breaking!) and they were both pretty likable characters in general I felt. I liked the idea of Furthermore being chaos magic and Ferenwood using their magic to make a dependable society.
I feel like they missed an opportunity to make a cool villain or evil organization/cult for an antagonist because in Furthermore they eat flesh of creatures and people in order to get magic (which is super rad. I love that!) but I feel if they had an main antagonist plus the uncertainty of a chaos world would really make a more interesting journey.

This was pretty good, There was enough cool ideas to keep me interested. The ending is begging for a sequel which I probably would pick up! ~Ashley