A review by maddiementions
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


*strums guitar sadly* .....what was that?

I wanted to like this book so badly, especially with the fact that the rights to this story were purchased by Lionsgate to be turned into a movie and the project recently got a director. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, I just could not connect to this story. I will begin by saying that the visuals that Erin Morgenstern created with her words were phenomenal. I have never been able to picture a scene more clearly in a book then when I was reading her words. Yet at the same time, I have also never been more confused by a story in my life.

This is my main disappointment. The first literally 60% (lol) of the book was really slow, but I never let that stop me when reading, I always give books a fair shot. When the book finally picked up, my boredom (sorry) was replaced with bitter confusion. This book is shrouded in mystery. I often like to be kept in the dark when it comes to a book, constantly guessing what's going to happen next or how the author is going to resolve all the problems. But I don't like being left in the dark for too long and that is what this book did to me. It didn't keep me guessing, it kept me confused until the end and afterwards. How can I enjoy a book if I literally have no idea what's going on and not in a good way? The idea of this book is phenomenal, the magic of the story is breathtaking. Thousands of people love this book. I am very sad that I wasn't able to connect with it and love it as many others have. I am excited to see what this story may become if Liongate turns it into a movie.