A review by kaitrosereads
Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley


Ghostgirl is an intriguing story. I could tell from just looking at the book that it was going to be interesting but I had no idea how interesting until I read it.

Charlotte Usher knows this year is going to be different. After a huge summer makeover she is determined to be noticed. At first, things seem to be working. Then she dies. Literally. Now she will never be popular and get to go to the dance with Damen Dylan. Not only is she stuck here but she has to graduate from Dead Ed. It doesn't seem like things will ever go her way but then she realizes someone can see her. Will she be able to fulfill what she believes to be her destiny or will she be stuck on earth forever?

Charlotte was pretty depressing. She died without really living and then she couldn't give up her life. She couldn't accept that she was dead and she caused a lot of problems with the other dead kids because of it. I actually thought she was selfish and immature most of the book. I felt she needed to stop feeling sorry for herself and try to move on.

The plot of the book dragged for a while but it got much better towards the end. There seemed to be a lot of build up and not enough action. Now that all the characters have been introduced I feel like the next book will pick up faster.

Overall, Ghostgirl is a pretty good book and makes me very interested in the series. It's not your typical ghost story and I'm excited to see where it goes next.