A review by fadingapple
The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown

Did not finish book. Stopped at 17%.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

An unfortunate DNF at 17%

I really wanted to like this - the premise was right up my alley, the cover caught my attention, and I was so excited to dive in. But, from the very first chapter everything felt very flat. And my word the case of "man tries to write young women" is strong in this one. Do guys seriously believe we only think about how much we hate our bodies and how much we can't eat bread or pancakes or bacon? 

For a book that is supposed to be whimsical and fantastic so there will always a level of suspension of belief...but it was beyond that into the realm of unbelievable. The speed with which Cassie figures out the book and just believes in it is ridiculous - I'm supposed to believe Izzy is the voice of reason? Seriously it just....there was no build up, it just was.

None of the characters had personality but they all read very much like their stereotypes - girls obsessed with their looks; a gay Asian man that was a disappointment to his parents; a large man everyone assumes is stupid but isn't and is good with his fists...everything about it felt very flat and while I love the concept, the execution was sorely lacking.