A review by saracat
On Immunity: An Inoculation by Eula Biss


This was a very well written and truly thought provoking book. There were just countless lines I want to remember and to quote.

Biss did a wonderful job of speaking honestly about the anxieties and worries she experienced in her son's first few years of life, while balancing it with talking about vaccinations, immunity, etc. from social, historical, economical, and cultural points of view. She never shames anyone for how they feel about these topics. And even though it often feels like an 'us' vs. 'them' type of conversation, she delves into the nuances without making the text feel bogged down or dense. The short chapters and the interweaving of history and her personal story with science keep the text engaging and interesting.

Despite the book having been published in 2014, it feels like it could have been published just this year.