A review by christymmack
Contest by Matthew Reilly


I picked this book up years ago, on clearance, simply because it was set in the New York City library and I thought that sounded fun. Of course, the plot also involved aliens so I was expecting a pretty cheesy book. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Enough to read pretty much everything else he has written. One of my favorite current authors! I would actually recommend [b:Seven Deadly Wonders|144791|Seven Deadly Wonders (Jack West Jr, #1)|Matthew Reilly|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348291032s/144791.jpg|1271370] if you are looking to read one of his books.

His books are pretty much the literary equivilant of action movies. He tries to keep the suspense non-stop. Not the most emotionally evolved reading, but I find most of his books addictively entertaining.