A review by mlz
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers


We have friends who lived in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina; they both worked for the US Coast Guard and he headed up operations that dropped food and water to those in need and pulled people off roofs. The stories they told us about people killed and the lawlessness  within New Orleans seemed unbelievable. After all, this is the United States of America. But after reading this book, I believe everything our friends told us. This book tells the story of one family’s experience during the aftermath of Katrina. It’s disturbing and eye-opening. Thanks Jean Lawyer for loaning me this book. I give it 4 of 5 stars. It was that good. But then  I Googled what’s happening now with the Zeitoun family, who was the focus of the book. I probably shouldn’t have. It’s really good book.  I’ll leave it at that.