A review by pewterwolf
Christmas Wish List by N.R. Walker


2.5ish stars. Rounding up to three.

Middle of the road. Like that it was no angst and was sweet, but I wanted something more from it. Really liked Cas but, at time, Jayden (while I liked him) was a bit much.

Christmas 2021 Mini-Review can be found on The Pewter Wolf Reads
***eProof gifted by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for honest review/reaction***

Set several years after the first book set in Hartbridge, [b:Tic-Tac-Mistletoe|55878628|Tic-Tac-Mistletoe (Hartbridge Christmas, #1)|N.R. Walker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1605041884l/55878628._SX50_.jpg|87091772], aussie ex-pat Jayden Turner agrees to a short-term chef position at a Bed and Breakfast over the Christmas holidays. After all, how hard could it be in a small town in the mountains of Montana? But after meeting Carter “Cass” Campion, owner of the Bed and Breakfast, who has recently come out and is determined to get it ready for the busy holiday period.

But Christmas is a time of magic and a spark between the two, can a Christmas romance be on the cards?

This feels like a Hallmark Christmas movie: very sugary, very sweet, very fluffy with no real angst (which is surprising as Case is a recently divorced and has two kids. In most romance, the vengeful ex-wife or the bratty kids are usually a troupe to rock the fledging romance, but here, no drama. The ex is lovely and the kids are sweet).

It was a lovely, hot chocolate of a MM romance to read at Christmas, and I did like it. But, for a reason I can't figure out, I never really warmed to the story. Maybe I do need a little hint of angst in there, but both Cars and Jayden got over the issues in a refreshing way: they talked and listened (no miscommunication troupe here - thank f*** for that! I LOATHE that troupe in romance. That and s****y parents). Maybe it's because this book, while taking place over several days, had a mix of slow burn/instalust. I'm not sure, but I couldn't fully fall for this book.

But I do want to try this author again. And Tic Toe Mistletoe has been on my radar for quite some time...