A review by cassidyserhienko
My Policeman by Bethan Roberts


Well it only took 84 years but I finally finished My Policeman and surprise, surprise, I don’t really know how I feel. It’s a great book and very well-written, but I’m so friggin’ pissed.

Obviously I knew going in that it wasn’t going to be a happy story, but I was prepared to feel a lot more empathy and compassion for Marion than the unadulterated rage that was the reality of my feelings towards her. She makes a terrible decision obviously, and in the 1999 time frame you can see that she regrets it. But the thing that kept me from feeling sympathy towards her is that it is very hard to believe that she actually loved Tom. She was infatuated with the idea of him that she had created in her head but on the rare occasion that he showed any of his true self to her, she was more angry and annoyed than anything else because he wasn’t behaving in the prescribed way that she wanted him to. Even before she does what she does (keepin’ it spoiler free folks) I didn’t like her. I felt a certain amount of pity, but it’s not like she’s a meek bystander in her relationship with Tom. Patrick, who is also enamored with the idea of Tom, at least gets to see all sides of him and seems to accept and love those too. Because Tom is never quite comfortable with Marion, she doesn’t get that. This isn’t her fault, but it does make it hard to feel anything other than anger towards her for her actions. Nothing would have justified what she did, but I at least would have been able to feel some more compassion for her. Furthermore, she keeps doing terrible things to make herself feel better. She’s hiding the fact that she can’t provide adequate care for Patrick because she wants to keep him around to assuage her own guilt and give her time to write her confession. It’s very hard to come to terms with the fact that this character has willfully made herself and everyone around her miserable for 40+ years. I will say, if anyone could make me feel for Marion it’s probably Emma Corrin.

Other than the fact that Marion is the epitome of the worst, I think that it was an interesting choice to limit the story to Patrick and Marion’s perspectives, and then to further limit it to their reflections in letters and diary entries. In the beginning it made it difficult to decide how I felt about Tom. Marion and Patrick were so clearly besotted with him that they aren’t exactly reliable narrators when it comes to him. He makes decisions that hurt both of them, but he doesn’t really have much of a choice - at least not a good one. Having his perspective would have made it easier to understand how he was feeling in these moments and how he was affected, but as much as the narrative is centered around Tom, it’s not really his story.

The writing itself was fantastic, especially considering it wasn’t a standard narrative form. While I did enjoy the book, I actually expect to enjoy the film adaptation more since I assume they’re going to make changes/choices that might make me more invested in Marion’s character. Since she is a key storyteller I think that they have to at least make her a more compassionate figure, if not a likeable one. But as much as Marion is a main character with an important story, I’m hoping that they focus more on Patrick, Tom, and their relationship. I wish that the book had done so, and I think that it’s what an audience would be more interested in seeing. And of course Harry Styles is playing the guy that drives these people to such complete distraction and recklessness, OF COURSE.