A review by annashiv
Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly


I'm generally pretty willing to put up with a lot of stuff, especially when in a certain mood as I was when I picked this up, but this was unbearable. I've read a lot of bad books this year, but this is by far the absolute worst. I always read an entire book, but I seriously don't think I can get through this one without ripping my hair out. I knew it would be a struggle when in the first chapter the main character saw tears shimmering in her mother's eyes. Underwater.

And it wasn't just that one mistake. No, it kept being brought up in the chapter after that along with so many other problems. Other examples include falling to the ground, wearing dresses (which would make swimming harder, drinking tea??? Seriously, there was no thought put into the world. Not even a little creativity besides puns and descriptors of items that fell flat and did nothing to immerse me in an undersea mer-world.

Then there's the characters, which are boring and stereotypical in every way, especially the main character who is a whiny unlikable bratty teen with no redeeming qualities.

Finally, the thing that choked this thing and finally pushed me to DNF this was the exposition info dump that never ceased for a second. I can only put up with so much, and with how poorly it was done, I just couldn't torture myself with it any longer. Literally at one point, her mother said 'as you know' and then explained what she already knew. It was so bad. I'd say the author either didn't care about this book at all or is a terrible writer.

I hate to be harsh like this. Seriously I think I've only rated two or three other books as one star, but if the author doesn't care enough to work to make all these mistakes in the first few chapters, I don't think I have to sit here and pretend it just wasn't for me. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Ever. Not even if I hate them.

Don't pick this up. Please. We don't need garbage like this in publishing.

And I want my money back.