A review by faeriedrumsong
Red Riding Hood, Superhero: A Graphic Novel by Otis Frampton


If all the graphic novel twisted retellings of fairy tales in the Far Out Fairy Tales series are as good as this one, sign me up! Red Riding Hood, Superhero is a very funny and beautifully drawn elementary/middle grade graphic novel.

Red is a 10 year old girl named Ruby, her grandmother is the President of the United States, the Huntsman is a General in the Army, and the Big Bad Wolf is a Werewolf named Professor Grimm.

The art is clean and bright and the panels are very easy to follow, but that does not mean it is simplistic. There are lots of small details that the eyes will enjoy looking looking at. Highly recommended for anyone at any age who enjoys fairy tale retellings. There is no blood / gore and the violence is extremely tame - Warner Brothers classic cartoons are worse than this - so I'd be comfortable sharing this with kids as young as 4 or 5.