A review by thebookishunicorn
Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi


Actual Rating 4.5 stars

"Darling Alice," he said, reaching for her. "Why must you look like the rest of us? Why do you have to be the one to change? Change the way we see. Don't change the way you are."

My absolute favorite thing about this book is the world that Mafi created. It is full of color and the descriptions of how important and bright the color is in this world made for a really awesome reading experience. When I think about this book my mind just fills with color! The writing also really reminded me of Lewis Carroll's, which is no surprise since this book seemed to have been influenced by his book Alice in Wonderland.

The magic is also very unique, each person in Ferenwood is born with a special magical skill. And at the age of 12 is asked to perform their magic in front of the town and given a quest if they are deemed worthy enough. But these aren't your usual fantasy magical skills, but instead they have a whimsical property to them; for example there is a boy who can climb the air.

Our main duo, Alice and Oliver, are fantastic characters who grow exponentially throughout the book in their own ways. I also like how their friendship progressed, and enjoyed how they ended up in the end.

The big moral of this book is acceptance, and how it is OK to be different from the others around you. I think this is a very pertinent message to be sending out into the world right now, and is interwoven into the narrative in such a way that it doesn't feel like they are beating you over the head with it.

I am really excited to read the companion novel Whichwood once I complete my June reading challenge!