A review by annes
The How & the Why by Cynthia Hand


The how and the why was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Contains: racism, adoption, mentions of suicide, mental illness, drug use, addiction, alcoholism and abortion.

Representation: People of colour, adoption and homosexuality

Quote: “ It’s completely possible to be surrounded by people and still totally alone”

I enjoyed reading this book but it didn’t move me in the way that I expected. I connected with the character Cassandra a lot but not in the way you think. No I wasn’t adopted but my mum was also very ill and in hospital a lot so I knew how she felt and the fear she had.

Throughout this story we follow Cassandra’s point of view and we also get to read the letters that Cassandra’s biological mother wrote to her unborn child. I found this part of the book really compelling and funny because she is so funny and very sarcastic. The letters were definitely my favourite part of the story.

Within the How and The Why there was a lot of crying and strong emotions which makes sense but this didn’t move me in the way that I thought it would.

Throughout this story we follow a lot of relationships which were really strong and I enjoyed watching these relationships grow and blossom. Cassandra and her parents relationship made me kind of jealous because they had such an awesome cute, caring relationship. I could see how much love they had for each other. It was so cute.

We also get to see a really close friendship with Cassandra and her best friend and follow their ups and downs just like friendships have and we watch a new friendship grow with a new person starting in their year.

The ending of this story seemed a bit convienent to me and left it open ended which I hate in some books.

All in all this was an okay book, I enjoyed reading it but I didn’t connect a hell of a lot with the main plot because obviosly this story was really targeted for me.
