A review by socraticgadfly
Spearhead: An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II by Adam Makos


Fascinating book.

I grabbed off the new books shelf at my library when I saw, per the inside dustcover, it was about one of the few Pershing tanks to see duty in the ETO before the end of World War II.

But the book is primarily about the crew that mans that Pershing — right down to a dramatic face-to-face shootout with a German Panther on the streets of Cologne.

Makos includes the crew's free time in Cologne while waiting to cross the Rhine, the dead from Easy Company all the way up to division commander Gen. Maurice Rose, leading at the front, and other human interest elements.

That includes post-war guilt from the Pershing's gunner over a civilian killed on the main Cologne bridge — and similar guilt from a German Mark IV tank gunner.

That's all I can tell you without getting into spoiler alert territory.