A review by bookph1le
Dumplin' by Julie Murphy


3.5 stars

I really liked this book, but a few things about it let me down. Spoilers ahead.

1. I wanted to see more growth on Willowdean's part. She flounders for most of the book, but I didn't get much of an impression that she's learned from her experiences. This may be due to my other major complaint.

2. The ending feels rushed, which is a huge disservice to the book. The pageant looms large over the bulk of the book, then it flies by in a matter of paragraphs.

I liked where the author was going with this. I liked that Will's life was messy and complicated, and that she was a jerk at times. The problem was, the struggles ultimately seemed kind of pointless because I think she got off a little too easy.

Still, it's refreshing to read a book with a character who isn't perfect, and I liked the message about micro aggressions and the question of why people should have to change solely to get others' approval. There needs to be more of that in pop culture.