A review by kraley
The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group by Catherine Jinks


Spoilers ahead...
I don't know who recommended this, but the library had it available and alas there weren't any of my TBRs there. I really liked the initial premise: boy found in dingo cage unharmed. From there it went downhill. When Toby is informed he might be a werewolf, I was still there with the shocked reactions, disbelief, etc. But there were some superbly ridiculous parts to this book: prank to drop goo on a friend who is coming over even though you told him not to? Do real boys do that? I also can't see them taking a shower at their friend's house and then sending laundry with a different friend because they weren't good at getting the stains out, but then still wearing dirty clothes to the park. Editor please! Also, I don't know who in this author's life is whiney, but she has nagging and annoying down pat. The kid who Toby rescues would have gotten himself left behind had it been me. The mother would have been sent on for vampire bait too. The story moved on ok until after Toby rescues himself, then it seems as if the author was imbibing in some of the drugs that Toby's mum was always accusing him of taking. What in the world? I couldn't figure out what the purpose of the scene in the desert was at all. It was completely confusing, inane and not well plotted. Actions and conversations served no purpose. We never heard from the two friends again. It was almost like two books (neither of which I could recommend) if this author writes any more, I recommend hiring an editor. There are far better books out there to read.