A review by factandfables
Nemesis by Agatha Christie


This is such a good Miss Marple!!!

One of the things I love about Christie is her ability to keep books short, sweet and light, but to also make sure that the characters grow, and remember previous crimes.

This brings back a character from [b:A Caribbean Mystery|31300|A Caribbean Mystery (Miss Marple, #9)|Agatha Christie|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1309280346l/31300._SY75_.jpg|937152] in a great way, and has the right number of red herrings and additional characters to make it all easy to follow.

It gets docked a star for only two reasons: first, I knew almost immediately who the murderer was, which almost never happens, and second, there is some things said about young girls, rape and false testimony that just shouldn't be said, and it felt a bit icky.