A review by kathydavie
Lord of the Fading Lands by C.L. Wilson


The first in the fantasy romance series, Tairen Soul, it took 11 pages before I was hooked and then I could not put this book down (thank you Mandi for an excellent suggestion!).

The fey destroyed and saved the world 1,000 years ago and it has been 1,000 years since the fey king, Rain, has come to Celieria. For Ellie, who has fantasized about Rain, the rumor that he is coming is both exciting and terrifying. The nightmares are back and magic always seems to be the trigger for them. Worse, the butcher's son, Den, wants her for his bride. A bully from childhood, Ellie finds Den repulsive and even more repulsive when he tries to force himself on her which triggers Ellie's psychic cries for help. Cries which reach Rain kindling an irresistible need to find the woman who is in such pain.

There are plots within plots in this story: Rain and a very few supporters believe the Mages are beginning to stir again but it has been so long that the Mage Wars seem a myth and the existence of mages no longer possible. Even so, the High Mage has his spies spread throughout the country and the court influencing the queen and firing up the citizens against the fey as he pushes King Dorian and his Council for an official trade agreement and searches for a child he lost twenty-odd years ago. A child with powerful magics.

Wilson creates a detailed world with a culture and style of its own and very believable characters. I became so involved that I am just panting at the bit for the second in this series.