A review by abbyreads2
Some Boys by Patty Blount


**Warning: this text may contain spoilers** Loved loved loved loved it!!!

Before I picked this book up, I knew it was going to be influential but nothing prepared me for this. It was everything and much more. It was educating. In my opinion, schools and community all around should read this book or make it a priority. The subject mentioned in this book was well-written and well-approached. The author showed us the victim point of view and the perpetrators best friend's POV. She showed the way others treated the victim, the challenges she faced and her strengths through it all. She didn't give up. She refused to be silenced. She challenged them. She didn't let fear get the best of her. She knew it would be hard and didn't back down. Grace's character was admirable. I also liked how Ian character gradually changed over time. He strengthened over time and opened his eyes to reality. He did what was right instead of taking the easy way out. At times, I wanted to punch him and most of the characters in the book (besides grace and her mother). Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was phenomenal, breathtaking. Outstanding job, Patty Blount.

Edit: Some parts of the books were aggravating. These kids were absolutely naive, ignorant and clueless. It was as though they'd never been taught anything about this kind of subject before. They treated her like shit and all the adults allowed it. That pissed me off more. I would've expected that kind of behavior from the kids but the adults allowing it to happen? That was crazy messed up. Even though, the characters were a bit fucked up, stupid, ignorant, naive and etc the book was okay. It was mostly decent. The subject was an important one and the way the author executed the plots was understandable. But I feel this book could've been better. I don't think any one of those people learned their lessons besides Ian, maybe. And the ending was a bit annoying, I understand the outfits was a mask, right? But I am tired of these kinds of books where the main characters just changes how they dress in the end. It doesn't go with the message. If it's not their fault, if how they dress isn't the problem, why is it that in the end they always changes how they dress? Why can't they dress a certain way simply for themselves and stay that way in the end? That part rubbed me the wrong way because it happens in every book and only ever happens with female main characters...