A review by jasonp
Anbruch einer neuen Zeit: Wie Virtual Reality unser Leben und unsere Gesellschaft verändert by Jaron Lanier


I’m allergic to the author’s personality. He’s one of those nerds who reminds me of Neil deGrasse Tyson, just droning on and on about how ~neat~ and #COOL science is. But unlike Neily-o, this guy has earned the right to annoy me. He’s brilliant and accomplished and kind of a badass. And he’s sold me— virtual reality is not just a thing that certain companies let their employees try out at networking events to momentarily distract them from the fact that there are better paying jobs out there where you can work less hours. It could potentially have a monumental place in our human evolution.

Note: the appendices are 100x more interesting than the actual book, and the book was pretty interesting. They are a must read.