A review by laurenl5876
Twisted Fate by Norah Olson


Well, this was...... twisted to be exact. Throughout the whole book I was really bored, until that brilliant ending. I am very angry but also I applaud Norah Olsen on created that terrifying and haunting ending. I don't understand what the heck I read.

I couldn't connect to the characters very well. Sydney was a very irresponsible and immature teen. That's one of the reasons I felt like she was so hard to connect with. She had good and bad traits. I enjoyed how protective and very sarcastic was but on the other hand I wasn't a fan of how she was on drugs. I'm not really into that.
Ally was pretty cool. I didn't like her though. She was very dumb and innocent, oblivious to want could possibly be a link to danger. She was very annoying and extremely likeable but unlikable at the same time. It's pretty dang weird if you ask me.
Graham is absolute brilliance. I can't say why but just know you will be so intrigued by him when you've read the end. I hate him, but it's a good kind of hate when the author makes you hate him. That's when you Know that the author is very good at their craft.
The plot was very boring and very cookie cutter for the first two hundred pages. ( Thus being the reason I rated this three stars) I personally thought the author did great on the end though, which is really the only outstanding and insane part of the book I liked.
The writing was not the best. Olson needs to improve on characterization and development. I think that with more books though, she will be an author that will be producing great books instead of okay ones like this book.
I gave this book three stars because overall, I was entertained. The characters and writing though need improvement.