A review by sgbrux
Limited Wish by Mark Lawrence


We’re all infinities.

I can’t adequately express how enjoyable this trilogy has been so far. I lay in bed and finished this second book around 1am last night. I was up thinking about not just the implications of Nick’s predicament, but my own reality and past choices and how they brought me to the here and now. I’ve mentioned before how Mr. Nobody is one of my favorite films; Limited Wish dove deeper into multiverse theory—so much so just thinking about it makes my mind go all soupy. And I love it.

Lawrence took where I thought this series was going and steered it into much deeper, more obscure science fiction territory. And man, I’m really enjoying the ride!

Where book 1 gave us an irresistible group of D&D nerds and teenage angst, book 2 layered on time-space anomalies and instances of complex paradox and somehow found a way to kick up the angst tenfold. All the while running the main story line parallel to the D&D story, like in the first book.

I have this unsettling feeling that I’m in for an unexpected treat in the final book, and I’m a bit scared to see what that may be.