A review by annashiv
Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed


This was fine I guess. It just didn't really make me feel much of anything. it was readable and vaguely interesting, but will definitely not be sticking with me and not compel me to pick up anything else of this author's.

Overall, I think the writing was average if not at times plain bad, and the character's one dimensional. We were constantly told what they were like rather than shown, and what we were shown was never what they proclaimed they really were like. Which, sure people are wrong about themselves all the time, but there's got to be some evidence that could lead them to believe it about themselves. There was just too much telling instead of showing.

My main gripe about it is that there were far too many coincidences and everything was too easy to solve for every character. Oh, that thing I need to reference is in that one book I lent you and just happens to be upstairs when all my other books burned. Or I happen to have just enough money to pay for this ridiculously expensive thing when it's been established we're poor and barely getting by. Sorry, it just made it hard to really get invested because I knew whatever they ran into would be solved just fine with no lasting consequences. Especially with how the magic system works.

I also thought the language used was odd. They spoke kind of modern, only replacing some things with middle eastern inspired replacements.

Still, if those kinds of things don't bother you, go ahead and pick it up if you're really wanting a typical fantasy story that's easy to read.