A review by laurenshaw
All The Lovers by Harry F. Rey


"Every message ended with “you got something better to do?” which was written with such aggressiveness that I started to believe nothing else in my life was as important as this camping trip."

Even as a bisexual woman, All the Lovers is insanely relatable. I think everyone knows that feeling of having someone you just can't get over, no matter how you try, and the sense of being a bit lost that follows. I absolutely adored Nick's wit and his view of the world, a perfect balance between hilarious and gut-wrenching.

Harry F. Rey's style (or voice, that amorphous term in the publishing world) is exceptional and it is an absolute joy to read his prose. Everything is spot on, from the dialogue to the visceral description to the characterisation.

Most importantly, it's real. Everything in this book feels real. It's not sugar-coated, but rather a true slice of life which few writers can pull off as successfully as Harry F. Rey has done in this wonderful book.