A review by loiereads
Spells for Peace of Mind: How to Conjure Calm and Overcome Stress, Worry, and Anxiety by Cerridwen Greenleaf


This little new age self help book is filled with valuable spells to help you in all sorts of areas from anxiety, stress, relationships and meditation. There are gorgeous illustrations on every single page that draws you in in a creative way and allows you to feel calm just by flicking through the book. Whatever you’re struggling with, there’s bound to be something within this book that can help you!
* lots of spells that help in lots of different ways
* really cute illsutrations that accompany the information nicely
* easy to understand
* friendly atmosphere
* spells and rituals require lots of ingredients that people might not already have at hand - meaning they'd have to go out and buy lots of things before they could complete the spells
* not that much structure to the chapters - felt a bit all over the place at times
Having made those points, I still feel as though this was a really valuable book and I really enjoyed reading through all the information, as it allowed me to deepen my knowledge on things I’m already aware of, and taught me a few new things also.
You can read a slightly longer version of this review on my Wordpress blog at: