A review by taurilaane
The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose by Matthew Kelly


I only listened to the first 70% since I was warned the last part goes into too much God and Christianity, which I’d like to avoid ;) And I must say that the first 70% was very good. Almost fighting the curiosity to finish the book, but naah - “Quitting while ahead is not the same as quitting” :D Some thoughts from the book:
People might think that the great thing is to choose how we respond to our circumstances - but actually we can even choose most of the circumstances of our life! We choose our partners, we choose our work etc.
Our purpose in life is to become the best version of ourselves… The things You want from life - do they help You become better version of yourself? Go after those that do.
When we were kids, we had a gentle voice within, guiding us. When growing up, we added new voices - society, friends, parents - and we numb down our own voice. We have to reconnect with that, for it is the only truly important voice.
When we were kids, we all had a natural intellectual desire. But it got buried along the way, when others laughed at us, asking “stupid” questions. We don’t dare to be curious any more, to look “stupid”.
Nobody becomes great on their own. You need people around You, who raise Your standards.
Who thinks life should be easy, will struggle. Life is not supposed to be, and happiness is not success, nor physical pleasure, nor having fun.
If you react with someone as you do not want, vision how you would like to respond. Do this many times, daily - and soon you will start acting like that for real. First we have to vision what we want to be different.
If you cannot envision the better person you want to be, then you can not become that better person.
Many people have loww self esteem not from failing, but from NOT EVEN TRYING.
You want to get ahead doing the very minimal possible? There are no shortcuts on building character.
Some people will like you and some people will despise you. So you might as just as well be the true You, so you know that people who like you do that for the real You.
Not all good deeds are good for You too (doing “good” might wear You down). So saying “No” might be better.
We do not need more time, but we need more energy. A person with a passion and a purpose will do much more in the same time.
What is in Your focus, has a habit coming more into Your life. Watching TV ads will make You spend more - and pondering about useful things will help them get into Your life, too.
In the Bible, god rested on the seventh day. Not, because he was weak, but as a role model - because the week is planned 7 days to include the rest. We should not be active 24/7, humans are not designed this way.