A review by jnava1612
Sandworms of Dune by Brian Herbert


Well, after many months searching for all of the books, I can finally say I've read the whole Dune main saga. As I mentioned in my Hunters review, the narrative in this book is completely different than Herbert's original work in the first six books. I don't want to be misunderstood, this is not necessarily a bad thing, since the change in the style gives this book and the previous a new perspective to the universe. Nevertheless, BH's and KJA's writing felt rushed in this book, which disappointed me as a Dune fan. I couldn't help to feel robbed when the whole Krazilec conflict that was hinted for a long time was solved in a few pages and in a very silly way (in my opinion), this was evident considering the amount of time the authors spent explaining other things that could be inferred.

I can't say everything is wrong within this book, but I gotta say that I expected a whole lot more to finish with such an epic saga. However, some of the elements of the conclusion of the long time loved characters felt really good while reading them.

As everything in life, this last chapter in the Dune story isn't perfect, but I enjoyed reading it, since it felt like a sort of closure for me. When I started the first Dune book I was a whole different person, troubled and trying to avoid his problems, but during the last year, Herbert's work has helped me recover myself and grow as a person. I've enjoyed every step of this journey and I know that the change Dune has made on me will forever be seen within me. Since it's become a very important part of my life, I expect to reread the whole saga sometime in a near future and to continue with the expanded universe. And who knows? Maybe when rereading the saga Hunters and Sandworms make a better impression on me.

All I can do know is thank Frank Herbert for creating such an amazing universe and for helping me grow.