A review by willowbiblio
Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan


"Confidence was one key to victory. The other side believing you were confident was sometimes almost as good as actually being confident."
Maybe it's because this is the 10th Wheel of Time book I've read this year, but I'm kind of over it. This was 667 pages that I fast-skimmed, closely read some dialogue, but still followed the plot easily. That's really bad writing. There's so much fluff and filler here that I really only read 15% of the book, but didn't miss anything. I think this entire series could have been condensed into 5 books maximum and it would have been so much more enjoyable and readable. As it is, I'm dreading pushing through the final books. At least now I have a method to do it quickly.

I'm not sure how many times I can read characters generalize about the opposite sex, read about the state of Rand's wounds (still bad), read that women sniff or make inane decisions because Jordan apparently hates women, read about Perrin's anger over his missing wife and hatred for his axe, how Min and Bridgette look in breeches, Mat's tumbling dice, a ta'veren being credited for lazy writing, and more. Frankly, it's even getting hard to read Mat's sections which used to keep me going. His whole luck/dice plot device is just so overplayed and the casual treatment of his abuse is sickening.