A review by booklife4life
The Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keene


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Basic Info

Pages/Length: Little over 3hrs
Genre: Middle School; Mystery
Reason For Reading: Never read them as a little girl

At A Glance

Love Triangle/Insta Love/Obsession?:
Cliff Hanger: No
Triggers: n/a
Rating: 3 stars

Score Sheet
All out of ten

Cover: 6
Plot: 6
Characters: 5
World Building: 6
Flow: 6
Series Congruity: 8
Writing: 7
Ending: 6

Total: 7

In Depth

Best Part:
The crazy gma!
Worst Part: The title tells you too much! sheesh
Thoughts Had: Not much of a mystery now is it!


Continuing the Series:
Recommending: Sure

Short Review: So probably not the smartest idea to include the "twist" in the title of the book, just saying. This book opens with Nancy almost dying, and in the same way Nancy almost saw the person in book 1 almost dying... hm. Put that aside. Helen is still planning her wedding, but nothing every really happens with that, like at all, other than the mention of the boy we haven't even met yet.... The people think a ghost is stealing their shit, yah that's logical, and asked Nancy to help. Some crazy dude warns Nancy about it thou and pretty much threatens her dad. Dad goes missing, big surprise. All is well at the end thou, trend much.


Book Boyfriend: N/A
Best Friend Material: Nancy

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