A review by bkish
A Bookshop in Berlin: The Rediscovered Memoir of One Woman's Harrowing Escape from the Nazis by Françoise Frenkel


During this time of great crisis in the world this book is relevant altho it is about the persecution of the Jewish people (I a a Jew) during era of nazi germany and it carried over to other countries occupied by germany and here most of Francoise's life is in France. She herself was from Poland. A great lover of books and fluent in other languages she opened in 20s with her husband (he is not mentioned in this memoir) a french literature bookstore in Berlin. She was there on Kristallnacht and she left shortly after for Paris.
This book she wrote under a different title in 1945 about her life and her decision to take care of herself and not be deported or sent to a death camp. She mentions a few of the camps in France - Gurs and Drancy. So this is a woman who goes through Hell to stay alive
When french military in support of nazi plan to destroy all jewish people were rounding people up in Vichy (not sure which city as she moved to different places in France to stay alive) she was faced with letting them take her or fleeing..
"the instinct of self preservation had won out. The bitterness of this truth weighs on me still and will to the end of my days"
This is an extraordinary rendering of a time that should never have happened

from Judy G