A review by enbyglitch
Neon Leviathan by T. R. Napper


While a little strange at first, I quickly came to love the format of this book as a collection of short stories all taking place in the same cyberpunk/dystopian world, dealing with different aspects of technology and society with a wide - yet sometimes repeating - cast of characters.

Napper dives deeper than most into unreliable narrators questioning reality. I was (and still am) stunned at the ending of one story, and remain fascinated by his explorations of memory with relation to the imagined self.

The one criticism I was prepared to level at this book was the predominance of cis-male leads, but one important story with a lesbian couple front and center - along with the book's overall themes of conservative societal control - allayed my frustration in that direction. That being said, I think these stories would be a perfect place for explorations of trans experiences.

Despite the futuristic world, these stories are fundamentally human and I think anyone could learn a lot by giving them a read!