A review by name_user
The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

Did not finish book.
* Had to Dnf this one at page 143, which normally i wouldn't do that far into a book, but i just couldn't continue reading it *

This book is supposed to be a story, told in the perspective of a traveling cat.
However only in the beggining it's told through the cat and it gets more and more about the few people that are also involved in the "journey" and mostly from there, it's also, mostly, told through those people.
That's was really dissapointing for me.

All of the characters felt really flat and one-dimensional. I couldn't get myself to care for any of them. Sadly the story itself isn't much better either. Which led me to being bored by page 50...

Initially i wanted to dnf this one at that page number, but i pushed myself further through it, since i was pretty excited about the promise before i actually started.
I wish, i just stopped there and listened to myself. That may sound harsh but this book straight up just annoyed me and made feel like i wasted my time.

Also there are many problematic views, which ultimately made me quit reading it.