A review by betherly
Your Deepest Fear by David Jackson


Harrowing is one word for this book. There are moments that honestly pushed me to my limit which I think shows tribute to how talented this author is that I care enough about Cody’s story to keep on reading just to know what happens to him!

This book is the first time where the events of the case Cody is working on and his personal life become fully integrated and that is fairly clear from right at the beginning. I would say of all the books this is the more predictable in that way although “predictable” is a laughable word to use when even then there are so many twists and turns thrown in as well.

There is very little I can say about this book without giving things away or being overly gruesome without context. It is a worthwhile read though but it lost a star for the sheer willpower it took me to push through certain parts - and yet still worth it and still worth a 4 star review! I cannot wait for the 5th book to be released and will read it as soon as it comes out.