A review by thebookdisciple
Touch of Red, Volume 12 by Laura Griffin


Touch of Red is a murder mystery woven into a love story. Brooke is a crime scene tech and Sean is a detective. Their jobs have them crossing paths occasionally and Sean has always been attracted to Brooke. On their current case, Brooke takes a very special interest and this pushes her and Sean to work closely together. Brook is attracted to Sean as well but she is on a diet....a man-free diet!

Brooke's ex is a controlling jerk who happens to be a cop as well. He is struggling to accept that the relationship is over despite Brooke's repeated insistence it is, in fact, VERY over. She also doesn't want to admit that she can't handle this. Her track record with men is not good and she is embarrassed that she made such a colossal mistake in dating this guy. Sean picks up on  the issues Brooke is having and won't let her brush it off as if its nothing.

And all this happens while Brooke and Sean are attempting to find a missing witness that could solve a strange case with seemingly no motive. The murder mystery is one of the things I love most about the Tracers series! Griffin writes great mysteries that you have to peel back in layers. She mixes it well with the budding romance and adds just the right touch of steamy scenes! Touch of Red is perfect for those of us who like real mystery and suspense with our steamy love stories! While I appreciated the steaminess between these 2, I did feel that the romance left something to be desired. I am just not sure I believe these two could make it long term.


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: murder mystery, coworkers (kind of)

  • Triggers: [spoiler]Brooke is being stalked by her ex which could be upsetting for some readers[/spoiler]

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: [spoiler]no[/spoiler]

  • HEA: [spoiler]more of an HFN; no epilogue[/spoiler]


Books by Toni Anderson, Kaylea Cross, Karen Rose...then you will probably like Touch of Red!


Touch of Red

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