A review by dynila
Maestra by L.S. Hilton


Judith is a delightful anti-hero and I read the whole thing straight through in one long sleepless night. Not as sympathetic as Lizbeth Salander, but far more engaging than Amy Dunne, and, initially, far more naive than either of them.

It took too long for the Stubbs to payoff -- I spotted it right away and spent chapters waiting for Judith to catch on to what I already knew. Vexing, but not a deal breaker. I will definitely be reading the next in this trilogy.

The sex was more frequent and particularly graphic than I enjoy, but that seems to be the way things are going these days. I could have done without the epilogue, too. I think that content would be better in the next book - prior to reading the epilogue I thought it ended on just the right breathless note of desperation and hope.

*Disclaimer - I did receive a complimentary ARC of this from Penguin's First to Read program.