A review by syrmiana
The Confessions of Frannie Langton by Sara Collins


Wow? Wow. There’s a lot to unpack here. I’ll try to keep it spoiler free but PLEASE, check some trigger warnings. I don’t remember there being any at the beginning, but there are heavy themes such as SA, which are very prevalent.

That being said, WOW! I did not expect to like a book this much, specially when it’s a book I have to read for a class (I think they have a reputation of being somewhat boring), but I enjoyed every bit of it. It kept me hooked just enough not to get bored, it wasn’t at all overwhelming with information, and it definitely made my chest feel tight a few times. I’m always very sensitive when it comes to slavery, and I have to admit I started reading this book without even having looked at the synopsis. When I noticed what it was about I was like “Oh shit”. But oh boy did it amaze me.

There’s shock factor, there’s love, there’s unfairness and, sadly, no happy ending. There’s sapphic love, a love that has to be a secret, and a raw depiction of the Victorian era through the lenses of someone on the “not so lucky” and rich side of the pole.