A review by eloiseinparis
A Choice of Secrets by Barb Hendee


I have read every book in this series, and I really like the format. However this is my least favorite book in the series. Like the last book instead of the heroine focusing on what would be the best choice for her, she focused on what would be the best choice for another character. Which wouldn’t be as bothersome if that character wasn’t selfish in every outcome. Honestly that character should’ve been the lead since every choice was about her more than the heroine, and that person never took into account how their decisions affecting others around them negatively. I also didn’t like that the last two choices outcomes were so similar, based on the heroine’s personality it was easy to see which way things would go. I also missed that unlike the first book the heroine didn’t get to see her whole life play out, decades down the line. I wonder if she would’ve made the same choice if things didn’t work out the way she assumed. I will read the next book, with the hope that the focus is on the heroine’s life not other people.