A review by shalee84
The Typo by Emily Kerr


Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK (One More Chapter) for an advanced reader copy, below is my honest review.

Amy receives an email that was meant for Cameron and decides to find him and forward him the email. The two begin correspondence even though they've never met and live thousands of miles away from one another. Both Amy and Cameron have not been completely honest with each other, but despite talking themselves up a bit in their exchanges, they both decide to pursue their dreams in order to try and be more like the person they are portraying themselves to be.

I enjoyed the depth of the main characters and learning about their journeys and decisions that lead them to be where they are in their lives. I enjoyed watching both Amy and Cameron overcome their insecurities and self-doubt and deciding that it was better to try and fail, than to be too afraid to try at all. I loved that the book included a playlist at the end of songs that matched the story! There were some amazing quotes in the book that will definitely stick with me for a while. "We're all flawed and trying our best to follow the right path. Getting stuff wrong doesn't make us bad. It makes us human." "Yes, we should take all the time to appreciate the blessings we already have, but we shouldn't let fear hold us back from striving for what our hearts desire."

This book is a must for anyone who loved You've Got Mail. There were definitely some hilarious laugh out loud moments, but I also loved how inspiring the book was too. It was very heart-felt and reflective and I am very glad to have been given the opportunity to receive a copy.