A review by cityofstarlight_library
The Eve Illusion by Giovanna Fletcher, Tom Fletcher


Guys, I'm not angry, I'm disappointed.

FYI, this was my most anticipated book of 2020 and look what happened.
I think we can honestly say that 2020 is just an all-round steaming pile of shit.

I waited so long for this sequel, I pre-ordered it, counted down the days, followed the authors on Instagram and...well.
It's incredibly boring. This book put me in a slump because not only was it slow but I was forcing myself to read it because I felt like I had to read it.

Newsflash - I don't.

Eve and Bram just feel like completely different characters (and I don't mean in a development kind of way, although they did develop. Just not in the way I hoped), the writing felt different to the first one and I don't particularly care for the new POV (Michael). I understand the reasoning for adding the new POV as we need someone in the EPO to help us follow what's happening there but uggh. I think I stopped caring.

Bram became possessive, Eve became boring, there isn't much dialogue (from where I got up to anyway) and I grew tired of the endless pages of Eve just talking in her head and describing her environment. I'm sorry Eve but I don't care. I need more action!

I've waited so long for this sequel and I ended up DNFing.


I won't be continuing with this series unfortunately but don't let that put you off. I have been in a reading slump and many other people enjoyed it more than me, it just didn't work for me personally.
I hope you enjoy it more than I did.