A review by kaylynn
Linesman by S.K. Dunstall


I loved this book!

The linesmen manage the lines of ships, making it so the ships function. Ean Lambert is a ten (the highest rank of linesman) but no one considers him a "real" ten because he was self trained and sings to the lines, something no one else does. He's been doing all the work of the other tens who have gone out to a strange spacial anomaly called the Confluence.

Ean's contract is bought out by Michelle, who needs a ten to try and manage the lines of a strange alien ship that has destroyed any other ship that gets close to it. This is followed by politics, singing to the lines, and space battles, while Ean learns more about the lines, and himself, than he'd ever suspected before.

I enjoyed reading this so much. I liked seeing the changes Ean went through, and I found it interesting to see a lot of the other characters through his eyes. I hated Jordan, but he was so much fun to hate. I also liked how everything wasn't black and white but that there were good people trying to do good things and selfish people doing selfish things and a lot of overlap between the two.

And I loved the description of the lines. I loved Ean's singing and how he interacted with the lines and how other reacted to his singing. I also loved Radko and Fergus and of course Michelle. The whole thing was just delightful to read, and the authors did a wonderful job of seeing through a person's viewpoint but giving the reader information that the POV character doesn't necessarily understand. I'm definitely reading the sequel.