A review by yviie_reads
Creed by Lindsay Currie, Trisha Leaver


WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT. I can't even tell how betrayed I feel right now ... definitely a waste of time. I expected this to be a creepy, kinda scary read with a great plot and good characters ... that's definitely not what I got. I don't even know how people can shelf this as "horror" because honestly? There was NOTHING horror-like here, instead I was bored to death and couldn't wait to finish this as soon as possible.

Not everything was bad, okay. The first few chapters were actually quite promising ... the atmosphere the authors created COULD HAVE been creepy, if they wouldn't have destroyed everything in the following chapters. When I read the synopsis I couldn't help but think of Silent Hill, you know with a deserted town and sirens going off ... well, that would've been awesome! But Creed was nothing like that - too many information about a town that didn't even interest me, the weirdest "villain" I've ever read about and characters I couldn't care less about if I tried.

The authors tried to make us feel connected to or at least sympathize with the main character, Dee, through her terrible past but to be honest she mostly annoyed me. I didn't feel sorry for her or anyone else in this town. The other two guys, Mike and Luke, with which she got into town weren't present for the most part of the book and didn't seem important, so towards the end I just thought: Whatever. I don't care.

The whole plot was so ridiculous and weird. I had a hard time "accepting" all of this ... I mean, ugh. I don't want to spoiler anything, in case someone still wants to read this but it was just stupid and didn't make any sense - that's at least how I see it. Or maybe it was just not my thing, I don't know.

So, what's my conclusion? I wouldn't recommend it. In my opinion, it's not worth anyone's time and I would rather pick one of the hundred other books on my TBR than this one.


October 11:
Yeaaaah ... well. That really wasn't my thing. So different to what I expected or hoped for but nope. It was ridiculous and weird, not scary/creepy at all. Sadly.