A review by chrissie_oh
The Gaslight Stalker by David Field


I did not like this as much as Carlyle and West.

The Jack the Ripper storyline and Esther and Jack's storyline did not connect/overlap as much I wanted them to. I wanted them to overlap more; it just felt like there was two different stories going on at times. Like the author was not quite sure how to integrate Esther and Jack's story with Jack the Ripper's story.

I was a bit disappointed with how the Ripper's story played out. I was hoping that it would remain the mystery that it is, and not ben solved and then have to be covered up because it wasn't "solved the correct way." The Ripper is infamous, and it felt like almost a waster opportunity to have had it end the way that it did. I did like that the Ripper was a woman though.

I wanted to see more of Esther and Jack! I understood why Esther ended things with him but I did not like that Jack watched/followed Esther. I get that he missed her and that he was worried about her, but watching her everyday was creepy and over the line.

I plan on reading more of Esther and Jack's books.