A review by netgyrl
Queen of Humboldt by Tagan Shepard


3.5 Stars - Kindle Edition

A very exciting story that I would normally love however it has a few issues that are personal peeves of mine for these kinds of stories.

First some good stuff:
1 - Both MCs are tough cookies in their own ways. No one is a pushover. Marisol is a badass without a doubt but it was good to see that Sloane was more than just a damsel in distress, she definitely has a backbone.
2 - The storyline is interesting and even though Marisol is a morally grey character, you can sympathize with where she is coming from and she works by an honor code that most people could agree with - especially if you like a good anti-hero.

My peeves (spoiler alert)
torture porn - like seriously, there is a large portion of the book where one character is getting the shit beat out of them. punching, cattleprod, baseball bat, knives. It's a lot. I don't mind my hero's getting roughed up a bit but this was a bit too much for me.

ick sex - for me this is sex that takes place when characters are filthy. for example, after being tortured, housed in unsanitary/filthy conditions, sweaty, dirty, bruised, and bloody. not enough to eat or drink for a few days. no soap, no hand washing, no shower, no toothbrush. Sounds super sexy right? That's a no for me dog.

inappropriate lust - ie. feeling lusty while hanging from a meathook by your bound wrists. Just doesn't work for me. YMMV.

Even with my peeves, will I read the next book? Probably. Is this book in the same realm as, say, Requiem for Immortals? IMO, no. It's still a good book, but it had too many places where I was rolling my eyes to be a great book.