A review by celeste57
Wrong Turn, Right Direction by Elle Casey


Full review now posted!
Original review can be found at Booknest.

2.5/5 stars

Dadgummit. This was so close to being a perfect series for me. But alas, this last book didn’t work for me. By halfway through this one, I was rolling my eyes like I normally do with romance novels. It wasn’t a bad book, per se, but the level of drama was higher and the level of humor was lower than the three books that it follows, and I felt strongly that it was the weakest link in the series.

The beginning was promising. Our protagonist thinks she’s been stress eating and suffering from terrible indigestion and possibly an ulcer, until she hits a Bourbon Street Boy with her car and goes into labor. Before she can even accept the fact she’s pregnant, Mika is giving birth to a beautiful baby boy in a nail salon, with an injured Thibault playing catcher. Which is where hilarity should’ve ensued. But it didn’t. *Disappointed sigh*

The thing is, Mika is an interesting character. A bookkeeper for a Russian mobster? Interesting. A bookkeeper who has been gradually squirreling away information so she can turn state’s evidence? Even more interesting. A bookkeeper for the Russian mob who is an informant and had no idea she was pregnant because she was so stressed? Fascinating! But we get all of that information within the first fifty or so pages of the book. The rest of the book just didn’t keep my interest. And Thibault, though a sweetheart, has the least amount of personality out of all the Bourbon Street Boys. He’s just a little bland comparatively.

I wish that Toni and Lucky’s story (book 3) had been the last book of the series instead of this one. It just lacked the spark of the other three. It fizzled instead of flared. Instead of laughing and getting super invested in characters, I ended up rolling my eyes a lot. Which makes me sad, because I really wanted to love this series all the way through.

The Bourbon Street Boys went out with a whimper instead of a bang. Even though it technically ended with a bang, because it ended with a sex scene. (Why?!) But overall, the series was super fun. I just wish it would’ve ended on more of a high note. But it’s still definitely worth reading. If you’re usually a romance fan, I think you’ll love this. If you’re not, at least give the first book or two a shot. Even though I was disappointed in this particular book, Elle Casey has earned herself a fan. I’ll be reading more of her work in the future.