A review by akacya
Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win by Susan Azim Boyer


2023 reads: 346/350

jasmine zumideh, an iranian-american high school senior, is so desperate to get out of southern california and get into nyu that she lies on her application and says she’s the senior class president-elect, despite the election not having happened yet. suddenly, iran is everywhere on the news, and anti-iranian sentiment spreads quickly. now, jasmine is stuck between sticking to her principles or doing what she can to get into nyu.

something i loved about this book was jasmine’s character growth. she dug herself into a hole pretty early on, and just kept digging down. however, i would say she grew a lot and made up for everything. she also learned to be more comfortable being iranian, despite the hatred going around, which was great to see.