A review by lauraadriana78
Amor Prohibido by Ellis Carrington


Well this was different. I liked this story a lot for the most part. It thought the writing was really good. The premise was interesting. I liked the whole going into the Mayan mythology.

Jake is on a yoga retreat with his best friend, he has come out of an abusive relationship and his having trouble figuring out how to go on, and even if he wants to. He meets Pakal the tour guide, but what Jake does not know is that Pakal is also a spirit guide who has been charged with helping Jake.

Pakal is drawn to Jake, but going with those feelings is a dangerous thing to Pakal, it means a horrible, irreversible punishment. He can't help himself though.

This is where the book turns, and the pace and plot take a turn I was not expecting. It was not bad at all, it was just unexpected and at times I felt I was getting action overload. Too much, too fast that the story had not prepared me for. The author is creative and has nice style. A little bit of something was missing for me with the MCs chemistry, but it kept my interest. This was a short story, so there was not too much time to get everything sorted, I do look forward to the full length book. There is a lot that I want to know more about.

All in all. Good debut. Interesting elements. Sound writing. There was Spanish, not perfect, but it was a lot better than most of what I've read in other books.