A review by jessalynn_librarian
The Joys of Love by Madeleine L'Engle


An enjoyable read, with a lot of the L'Engle hallmarks of tone and character and earnestness, but without much in the way of magic. I don't mean magic like A Wrinkle in Time, but magic like it had that spark, or really caught my imagination. Still, if you love L'Engle's style, or stories about the theater, or mildly old-fashioned YA, I'd recommend it for a quick read. I really liked the character of Elizabeth, except she made me feel like a grown-up because I wanted to shout "trouble!" every time a certain character walked onto the page. I like a bit more ambiguity in my 'villains' - it makes it more fun if you could imagine the story going either way, even though you know what will happen.