A review by readinggrrl
The Hush by John Hart


I don't remember The Last Child but this book held up as a stand alone as well. Johnny lives in the Hush, its a strange and powerful place where people have been going missing for years and there is a strange presence that allows Johnny to feel connected to the earth, and heal from wounds almost instantly.

There is mystery and history to this land that goes back to when Johnny's ancestors owned it and slaves. The land was transferred to a slave family and has since reverted back to Johnny when the last male heir to that family died and he is fighting to keep it with the help of his best friend Jack.

Interesting story line that follows Johnny and a young African-American woman who have similar dreams. Their pasts intertwine and everything leads back to the Hush. Characters are well developed and while most of John Harts stories aren't supernatural in nature this one seems to fit. Very well done.